Friday, February 27, 2015

Lesson 5

The first assignment was to look for literary criticism on the novel Les Miserable.  I followed the instruction to click on full text, then document type, then subject limiters.  I looked to the right sidebar to get the literary criticism about the novel.  There were 334 results.  There were 314 Scholarly Journal articles, 13 magazine articles, and 7 trade journals.

I looked for information on the ways libraries aided their communities during and after Hurricane Sandy.  The first article I found was by Gordon Flagg on American Libraries.  The article was from August 2006.  The libraries were  commended for their tireless efforts in helping people with gathering information and providing internet services and other library services when other community businesses were shut down.

Next I limited my search and went to the Pro Quest in Science and Technology.  I found three articles that told about the work the libraries in the Hurricane Sandy areas had done during the time of disaster.  The most recent article I found was in Young Library Services, "Learn to Code, It's a Life Skill," written by Jessica Klein, Winter 2014: 25-27.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Lesson 4

Lesson 4, first section
The object of the lesson is to help a third grader with a report about the solar system.  The student needs a lower lexile for independent reading.
I used the SIRS data base and typed "solar system" in the "advanced search." I set the lexile level for 400-500 and easy reading.  I found several articles.
The first article is entitled, "How Many Moons?" from the April 3, 2006 Scholastic News, Vol. 62, pp. 4+. 
The second article is entitled, "Mars Is More than Just a Candy Bar" from the Boys Quest, Aug. Sept. 1996, pp. 20-21.
The third article is entitled, "Super Science," by Geoff Alan from the U.S. Kids magazine, June 1999, pp. 16-17.T
The fourth article is entitled, "Saturn's Rings Around the Planet" from the Club 2! magazine, Sept. Oct. 1997, pp. 20-21. 
All of these articles are informational, and do not have difficult sentence structure or vocabulary words.

I checked the encyclopedia to see if I could find some pictures of the solar system for the student and found that by clicking on the search under encyclopedia and "solar system," that I could find pictures that the student could use for the report as well.  The article was found in Compton's by Brittanica, August 1, 2011.

Part 2 of Lesson 4
I had to find two ways to use SIRS Discoverer to find maps/images of volcanoes and list the number of results.
First of all, I typed in "volcano images" in the "keyword" search.  For all searches, 126 articles were listed.  Nineteen graphics were included in this listing which were very interesting.
I found 2 "web find" sites under volcano images.  One was a 3-d tour of the Solar System which gave information and pictures of volcanoes on different planets.  The other web find was "Mars Quest online."
Under "websites," I found 2 articles specifically written about volcanoes under "science."
I found 12 articles under "Exploring" that gave information and graphics about volcanoes.

Part 3 of Lesson 4
This section involves the use of SIRS Researcher and a topic.  The topic is "suicide prevention."
The first thing I noticed about SIRS Researcher is that they have the latest topics under a long listing of various topics.  I looked up "suicide prevention" and found many articles.  Part of the lesson was to compare this data base to Google search on the same topic.  The SIRS Researcher is much better because the listing includes information from newspapers, magazines, and internet sources.  The information is much easier to access on the SIRS Researcher.  Another great addition to this SIRS Researcher site is that tools are provided for the student to organize notes and a list of other research tools to help the student organize the information they are reading.

The second part of this section on SIRS Researcher is to find information on "water use" to prepare for a town meeting discussing the necessity of water restrictions and why.  The Pro Con issues would be very helpful to read through and collect important information for the meeting.
One of the articles that would be helpful to read as background is the article about ways that different states are recycling water.  Perhaps this group of people could also be encouraged to think of ways that they could recycle water in their town so less fresh water would be needed.
It seems to me that during a time of drought citizens must be more conscientious about reusing the water that they have so they don't run out of drinking water. 
Water Can Be Reclaimed, Reused Instead of Wasted is a very good article to have available for people in drought areas to read and think about.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Lesson three

The first part of Lesson 3 requests ways to help a 4th grader with reading comprehension by using Learning Express on the South Dakota State Library site. 
1.  The student must go to the South Dakota State Library site, click on the data base listing, and find Learning Express.  Click on Learning Express. 
2.  Click on the "School Center."  On the left side, click on "Elementary School, English Language Arts Skills Improvement."  To be able to use this feature, the student has to log in as a user.  After doing this, the students should click on "Informational Reading" and do the Practice tests, 1 and 2.
I went through both of these tests.  I would say that the student should do them, get them scored, and then do them again to practice the features that the student does not get the first time.  After getting a perfect score, I would have them work on the Literature Reading Practice and do the same practice with those two tests to help the student practice on skills that need improvement.

Part 2 of Lesson 3
This lesson requests ways to help a high school graduate improve his/her skills in office management in order to be able to get a job in this field. 

First of all, I would make sure the person was able to access the South Dakota State library site by having a library card number and password.  I would then show the person how to find the data bases and the section on "Learning Express."  I would show the student how to find the section on careers.

I went through all of the lessons in the section "Learn More About a Career."  This section is excellent and would be useful for any person who works with others in any business or organization.  The sessions I would recommend are called "Build Your Workplace Skills."  These sessions would be good reminders for teachers at the beginning of a school year, or any person who works with a group to refresh proper etiquette and communication to keep a positive business atmosphere. 

I would certainly recommend that the student read all of the information, take the quizzes, and the test.  I would also encourage the student to go back and see what questions were missed and what the correct answers are.  If the student had difficulties, I would suggest that he/she go through the information more than once and take written notes to help recall the information.

Part 3 of Lesson 3

This lesson has the student go through the section in Learning Express on the Career Center.  First of all, I would make sure the student is able to access Learning Express and has a library number and password to make full use of the site.

After the student clicks on "Career Center," he/she should look on the top listings and click on "Guidance,"and then "Explore Careers."  The student should read the information found under "nurse," and "pharmacy technician."  The preparation tests and information should be read and instructions followed on each page.  After these steps have been completed, he/she should look on the left side of the page and go through each item:  "Succeed in the Workplace; Prepare for Workkeys Assessments, and TOEIC."  I have read through this information and found it very helpful.  I would have liked to had this information as a high school student when I was looking for the career of my choice.  I would have also really appreciated all of the practice tests to review information that I may not have understood during my high school education or may have forgotten.  This information is excellent as a refresher course once a year, or when a person is anticipating a job change.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

lesson 2

Lesson 2
I think the person could fix their steering wheel by watching the videos and reading the fact sheets. Since I am not a mechanic, I would print everything and have it right beside me so I would not make a mistake. I would be concerned about the air bag deploying, but the explanation is complete, and if directions are followed, the person should not have a problem. I thought it was great.
The part number for the 1989 Geo Prizm is A131L.

Lesson 2: the Mango lesson
I would show the student how to connect to the main library site, make sure the person had a library card number and knew their password. I would then help them find Greek or Hebrew and go through a lesson with them. I did Lesson 1 in the Greek. It was very well done, and it makes me think that it would be a fun challenge to learn a different language for my own information and experience. It would certainly be a helpful aide for a student who has other homework to do as well, and their time to practice a new language is limited.

Lesson 2, Tumblebook exercise
First of all, I would show them how to sign in to the library site along with their password, go to online resources listing to find the Tumblebook site.
After that, I would show him how to click the word "Mysteries," and then go to the Junior site and have pick the listings he would like to go through. I would suggest the 40 periodic references for a starting point, then go back and check the others. He should be able to find a book he has not read. He can also check further when he is reading these references to see if the book is appropriate for his age level and interest.

Tumble book activity

     The assignment was to match 2 fiction story books from Tumble books with a science lesson for third graders.
     I looked through the science stories, both nonfiction and fiction, listened to several of them and decided to use Ace Lacewing Bug Detective, and Ace Lacewing, Bad Bugs are my Business.  These stories would fit it very well with lessons on insects.  I would use it to introduce a unit on insects.  I would have the children listen to the stories or read them on their computers.  Their objective would be to collect information about insects that the stories included.  Their next objective would be to recognize how the author used those facts to make an interesting mystery story.  Last, I would have the students give a try at writing a fictional story about one of the insects used in the stories.